Thursday, November 30, 2017


How do you screw up an event specifically to honor WWII Navajo Code talkers who helped U.S. Marines to send coded messages to the Pacific Theater? Let #45 speak off the cuff.

#45 couldn’t resist putting his foot in his mouth again and politicizing the event needlessly. He referred to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) as a rep. In Congress who “they” call Pocahontas. They? Who are They? No, I think only #45 says that (at least out-loud). Warren had referred to #45 during the 2016  campaign as something from a “loser to a xenophobic bully”. #45 jumped on her claim to being part Cherokee and Delaware Indian and began calling her Pocahontas. Native Americans object to the use of Pocahontas to deride Sen. Warren.

The referral was totally unrelated to the ceremony and is considered an offensive racial slur. Caught off guard by #45’s stupidity prompted only polite smiles and silence from the Navajo men. Doubling down on his stupidity and insensitivity, the scene was played out in front of a portrait of former Pres, Andrew Jackson who had signed into law the “Indian Removal Act” against good advice that led to the needless death of thousands of Native Americans.

Mihio Manus, a spokesman for the President and V. President of the Navajo Nation, while they appreciated the honoring of Code Talkers, #45’s comment on Sen. Warren was inappropriate. Pocahontas, although not Navajo was definitely a historical figure in the founding of this Nation who is misrepresented by history. He went on to say the Navajo Nation doesn’t feel any member of any tribal nation should be used as the punchline of a joke.

Again #45 has downplayed the honor bestowed on the Code Talker to throw another demeaning remark at Sen. Warren while displaying his white supremacist actions toward the Navajo. No way his racial slurs will ever shut her up.

There are only 13 remaining Code talkers, all in their 90’s but only three were well enough to attend. They were excited when asked to participate then had to endure another racial slur from #45. They helped turn the tide of war and should not be forgotten.


Goodbye Matt Lauer. Whose next on the chopping block.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Autocrat Wannabe???

#45’s trip to the Far East took him to the Philippines to talk with Rodrigo Duterte the nations President. When he campaigned for the job he said that “drug dealing and addiction were major obstacles to the Philippines,” Just as they are to any other nation. His way of solving it is appalling.

The war on drugs has led to extrajudicial deaths of thousands of alleged drug dealers and users across the country. He’s used this as the cornerstone of his domestic policy. #45 respects this autocrat when he should be denouncing him. Envy maybe because #45 doesn’t have the same privilege? Could be?

Once Duterte was elected he encouraged the public to “go ahead and kill” drug addicts; an endorsement of “extrajudicial” killings. Duterte created conditions for people to feel it’s appropriate to kill dealers and users; breeding a condition of vigilante justice.

Police are engaged in large-scale sweeps of political officials connected to the drug trade. Thousands have been killed or died in police operations. Hundreds of thousands have surrendered to police.

#45 loves autocrats and no doubt wishes he could wield such power. Fortunately, saner minds have prevailed. Feelings mutual #45 openly joked with Duterte that the Media were a bunch of spies. More on the story.

On Another Note…

There were again more senseless shootings around the country and world by heartless gunmen. I am not in favor of banning guns other than those specifically designed to kill other human beings. Anyone of a sane mind should be able to own one but it should be registered no matter what the NRA and the faithful believe.

Effective gun control will never be enacted until everyone in this country has had a loved one: mother, father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin; killed by some debased gunman, and even then it’s doubtful.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Thursday, November 9, 2017


In case you had not noticed I have not been posting for a while. The last two months have seen a lot of disasters: hurricanes, floods, fires, tons of destruction; the cleanup has been enormous. The situations have made it a huge task to continue; but I’m back to pick up where I left off.

Before he left on his international golfing trip (where he took the time to promote one of his golf courses) #45 said that the terrorist who ran over and killed a number of people on Halloween should be executed. Originally he wanted to send him to Guantanamo where we know what kind of history it has, but later he recanted that idea. Everyone in this country deserves a fair trial but defense lawyers will be hard pressed to get one. All #45 has done is pander to his base that thinks violence is the answer to everything. Certainly, I believe the guy should rot in prison but executing him will only make him a martre in the eyes of ISIS and his countrymen.

He also said that Beau Bergdahl should be shot for deserting his post. It seems the military judge overcompensated from #45’s edict and gave him a slap on the wrist. There’s more going on there than we will ever know but you’ll have to draw your own conclusion. Military law is generally more severe and the reason for so little punishment is beyond me.

The indictments are beginning to pile up in DC and the outcomes will be interesting to see. #45 must be scrambling to make up his list of lies and denials even though pictures refute most of his claims.

Will Jeff Sessions face a harsh penalty for lying under oath to the Senate Committee? Reps and Dems alike have shown they like him. Only time will tell.

#45 has repeatedly lamented that the special council should be investigating Hillary and the Dems; how does he know they aren’t?

Will #45 run the risk of political suicide by firing Mueller at this late date? And what pardons is he ready to issue? Time will tell.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Friday, August 18, 2017

The Mouse That Roared...

…and the Mouth that roared; namely #45. So far it has only been words but what happens if it escalates? This isn’t two young boys in an adolescent pissing match it’s two grown paranoid adults waiting to see who blinks first. Kim Jung Un is the supreme leader of a small nation and can do whatever pleases him. #45 is the elected leader of a major nation who hasn’t a clue how to lead. Provoked, Kim could send off his missiles on a whim. #45 has to wait until Kim makes that fatal mistake before he can take action; and he is hoping that Kim does something stupid so he can show off how powerful he is. Kim is probably just insane enough to commit suicide to prove a point. #45 being the coward and bully he is would cringe in the corner under the same circumstances if he didn’t have the Military to hide behind.

So far, the Military is playing it cool as if they aren’t worried that Kim will make his move; but you can be sure our military has all their plans at the ready. With all the sanctions laid upon N. Korea, Kim has to keep up the pressure or look weak in the eyes of his people (who he cares little about). I’ve no doubt that any missiles launched toward Guam or any other ally could be shot down by our military. This puts me in mind of the Cuban Missile crisis in the early sixties; can you imagine what might have happened had JFK retaliated when one of our recon jets was shot down. Would #45 have such forethought and restraint? He can’t wait to send the launch codes because he loves war. Would he love it so much if he had to live in a devastated country that had been at war for years? #45 must feel very safe and warm away from all the devastation that could ensue. Hitler must have had similar thoughts tucked away in his bombproof bunker. And who will #45 blame if it all goes bad; certainly not himself.

China has explored ways to shut Kim down but seems incapable of curtailing the despot. If they really want to thwart Armageddon they should be prepared to shoot down Kim’s missiles should he launch them. He’s their problem child and they should be ready to slap him down if they have to.


As in deserting a sinking ship. Several of #45’s Advisory Council have turned in their resignations because of #45’s handling of the violence in Charlottsville and his refusal to lay the blame where it belonged. Instead he blamed everyone for what happened and not the domestic terrorists and white supremacists. The only ones who defended him were David Duke, the former leader of the KKK and and Richard Spencer of a white supremacist group and other Neo-Nazis. Duke said they were there to fulfill the wishes of #45 and further his agenda. #45 has stated that his picks for the advisory council were not up to the job so he disbanded it himself. Another lie to soothe his shattered ego because those who resigned said it was for the reasons stated and not anything #45 did.

Who else is going to get tired of having mud thrown on their integrity and resign before it is too late. It’s impossible to defend a person whose own words makes him defenseless and demands you lie for him.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Where Are We Now?

Looking back on the election of 2016 I have some observations of what transpired.

Trump was an unknown, a loose cannon in the eyes of some and was never expected to survive the primaries like he didn’t the last time. But voters were pissed at the government in general with both the GOP and the Dems because DC was in a virtual gridlock and something was needed to rock the boat and they saw Trump as that person.

Hillary was just a reminder of the same old do nothing administration. Forget that Obama was unable to blend the two parties into a cohesive government; both sides had their agenda and it was to NOT work with the other side on anything they didn’t have to. While Hillary was working on doing the right thing the GOP was working on getting her ineligible. Her campaign was so benign many discounted her as a viable candidate and there was the Catch 22. A percentage of women just hated or mistrusted her and I doubt their reasons held any water. If she came on too strong she would have been labeled as having a bad PMS day; not strong enough and she would have been too weak to hold office.

As the campaign rolled on the other Reps running for office continued to point out just how bad a candidate that Trump was, how unstable he was and should not be considered. By now everyone should know that if you tell an American that he/she cannot or should not have something they will want it even more. Some saw Trump as a way to stick it to the government that had been so impotent in the previous two administrations. Some surely believed that the resulting turmoil would get them what they wanted; how naive they were.

The early polls had Hillary winning by a landslide so the Dems sat back and had no plan B. Hillary had a chance in the debates to use Trump’s own words against him such as in decades earlier Trump had said if he ever ran for office he would do it as a Republican because they were so stupid. She could have brought up his draft record and how he got out of going to Vietnam. And she could have used his bashing of Sen McCain or how he belittled Sen Cruz’ wife, but she was being too politically correct. This was a dog fight and Trump was throwing dog shit in her hair and she should have thrown it right back at him. She should have shown the fire in her belly that she exhibited during the Benghazi hearings. Trump’s disdain for women is well known and she should have let him know she was not going to be submissive to him or anyone else. It might have lost her a few votes but it also could have won her votes in the Red states where it really mattered.

The dumbass Democrats in DC are still sitting on their hands and waiting for Trump to implode instead of helping it to blow up sooner. If they are going to fight in Congress then make it loud, not so damn politically correct. Speak only the true facts and leave Trump to the witch hunts that he loves so dearly. Democrats have no passion and should be making their demands heard and not hoping the media will bail them out and do it for them. There are a lot of fringe voters out there that sat on the fence until the end that could have come over the the Dems side if they showed some real spunk.


The Trump administration has declared war on all the leakers in and around the Whitehouse and promises retribution when they are caught. I agree if it can be proved that they are giving away government secrets but if it is telling the world of gross misconduct by anyone then they should be protected under the Whistle-blower Laws of this country.

The focus in DC and in it’s collective states has shifted to getting re-elected in deference to doing real work; Six months into this administration they are already talking about the 2020 elections. Ass kissing to contributors of campaigns has become the priority instead of doing right by the voters who put them there.

If you want to talk of the 2020 campaign then I nominate California Governor, Jerry brown to the office of POTUS. He has already said that after his term as Governor he would not dismiss any other run for office.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Transgender Troops

Just when you think #45 can’t get any more heartless or idiotic he goes off and makes a new command that no transgender person will be accepted or allowed to join the military. This from the same man who was a draft dodger during the Vietnam War who had a doctor claim he was too sickly to be in the military.

 I see it as another senseless attempt to stick it to a portion of the public that he declares inferior or not worthy of anything other than your contempt. The coward-in-charge is himself unfit to lead our troops and has no right to look down upon those who are willing to step into harms way to defend our country and ultimately him.

In June of 2016, during the campaign, he promised to fight for LGBT rights while stating that Hillary would bring in people to condemn their way of life. What a f***ing liar; he has done nothing but take away more of the rights and benefits of the LGBT.

#45 should get the hell out of the way and let the military decide who is fit for duty and who is not because he certainly is not competent to make those decisions. He has also made disparaging remarks about those who suffer from PTSD while he has no real experience in what it is like to be under fire in a war zone. I am at a loss to understand how anyone can take him seriously.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it. 

Friday, July 21, 2017

Transparency or None of Your F-ing Business!

Transparency in government was what #45s campaign promised while cleaning up the swamp in Washington… but what are we getting?

Everything was supposed to be open and above board but #45 has secluded himself behind a wall of secrecy trying to block the special council from digging into his affairs that have to do with the meddling of Russia into our elections. Everyone in the oval office has lawyered up and the lawyers have sought out other council. He’s even investigating Robert Mueller who he has threatened to fire. His irrational game of hide and seek is taking on alarming proportions. If he has nothing to hide then why cloak everything in a veil of secrecy? And why is he checking to see if he can legally pardon his aides, family and even himself if everything is on the up and up? Looks to me like he’s trying to set up a get out of jail card for himself and his family of cohorts.

If the government of the GOP is so transparent why are they designing a new health-care plan behind locked doors, barring the Dems from having a say? They can’t even get enough votes among themselves to bring it to the floor for debate. If the plan is so good why have they exempted themselves from having to use it? Every State of the Union address by Obama had asked the GOP to join with him and ask them if they had a better idea to say so. No one took him up on it so no action was taken. #45 has stated that they should just let the ACA fail and put millions in jeopardy without health insurance then construct a new plan. This tells you how much #45 really gives a damn about the voters who elected him.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Bullying at the G20 or Self-imposed Isolation

This is how isolation feels so #45 needs to get used to it!

Blaming world leaders for the U.S. trade deficit and angrily demanding trade policies more fair to the U.S. This is how a toddler makes deals by simply demanding his way. A true statesman isn’t so caustic.

The assembled leaders warned #45 there would be serious repercussions if he adopted policies that would interfere with global trade. #45 nearly provoked a trade war that would wreck havoc on us.

He may be president (who knows how long) but he can’t just dictate his way around negotiations. His answer has always been to throw money at his lawyers until his opponent has to give in. I doubt he’ll ever learn that those tactics won’t work on the world stage. He is an embarrassment to himself and around the world, and he is an embarrassment to this country. His actions can only make international relations unravel at an alarming rate and plunge America into deeper isolation from our allies and embolden our enemies. The world will only look elsewhere for leadership, not here. But then there are uneducated dimbulbs who think that’s a good thing.

He’s so disinterested in how diplomacy works that he chose to nod off in front of world leaders making him look more like a clown than ever. #45 was so disinterested he didn’t even bother to attend the “Partnership With Africa, Migration and Health” discussion; and sent elected-by-no-one, Ivanka in his place. She once said she preferred to “stay out” of politics, but there she sat. #45 must have forgotten that Africa is not just populated by black people. Then there’s the fact that his attention span is so lacking he might have fallen asleep again.

And the CIA, FBI and NSA don’t have a clue about anything but he takes Putin at his word. I’d laugh if it wasn’t so tragic.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Violence and #45

Trump is his own worst enemy and he endangers the entire GOP with the chaos he spreads and their leaders continue to defend the indefensible.

#45s latest tweet of him doing a take down of someone bearing the logo of CNN is just another incidence of how infantile and ignorant he is. The Whitehouse staff is denying that #45 is promoting any sort of violence and that no one could ever see it as a threat. How naive can they get or more to the point, irresponsible?

They know damn right well that some nutcase or redneck is going to take it as their cue to go out and commit violence because #45 has shown them that it is permitted to resolve disputes that way; and what of the asshole who decides to do it with a gun. Wrestling is only for entertainment and the winner is preordained but we all know that there are dumbasses who think it is real. And what of the adolescent who sees #45 as a role model and becomes a bully because of it. It could happen and you know it.

The First Lady’s cause has been to recognize and prevent cyber-bullying but her husband shows kids it’s okay as far as he’s concerned. He even throws his wife under the bus.

The GOP leadership is under great pressure to carry out #45’s agenda but he has ignored his own agenda and replaced it with chaos and indifference to how it affects people. A heart attack or stroke could be waiting in the wings to claim Senator McConnell if he can’t release the pressure aimed at him from all sides. He knows how to do it but the lust for power is a narcotic the clouds common sense.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.  

Sunday, July 2, 2017


Methinks Thou Doth Protest Too Much
Paraphrased from William Shakespeare

Given the multitude of Tweets from #45 he has a pathological need to respond to anyone who does not agree with him or who gets under his thin skin or who touches on the real truth. All of us have had our feathers ruffled at one time or another, but most of us usually just ignore it. #45 cannot hold his tongue, or tweets as it were and usually retaliates with a caustic diatribe. He sows chaos and expects to reap great rewards in the process but what he reaps is only more chaos. The tactic may have worked in the corporate world but rarely does in Congress. The one thing #45 is incapable of doing is keeping his mouth shut; to let the bad publicity roll off his back as if it were never there. He continues to demean and degrade the high office he now holds and does not care who he throws under the bus.

He has stated that he wants to be unpredictable while being anything but. Piss him off enough (which seems easy to do) and you know he will turn to Twitter because the Media is incapable and he has to get his side of the story out. Which usually means it’s someone else’s fault or a trusted friend or ally. He spouts all these fabricated accusations believing it will deflect criticism from him and keep the ones who voted for him happy; but that only fosters more criticism aimed at him.

The chaos he sows keeps the GOP busy trying to defend him by making up endless excuses for a man who is inexcusable instead of working on the betterment of the country. The appointees to positions in government seems more concerned with keeping their job rather than telling #45 he’s wrong; and we know how quick he is to fire people who disagree with him. The swamp he promised to drain just seems to get murkier by the day. Every speaking engagement seems to be only a place to complain how harsh the Media is treating him rather than coming up with a plan to force Congress to come together and offer some true hope for the future. Instead he just whines about it. Is that really Presidential? You’ll have to come up with that answer yourself.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Thursday, June 15, 2017


In a previous post I had stated that I did not advocate the assassination of #45 nor did I want to see him have a stroke or heart attack. In that same vein I am appalled at any attempt to kill anyone in government office. It is a senseless act and government will go on in spite of it. I am more interested in shooting them down at the ballot box. They should live to see that they are no longer wanted in that position for whatever good reason. 

I am against the career politician and would rather see term limits as were imposed on the Presidency. At least Congress was smart enough to do that. #45 likely won’t see a second term should he manage to complete the current one; I shudder to think of #45 going on like Stalin until he croaks. We do need senior advisers, a Congress of mostly rookies would slow the process while they came up to speed. But voters should not blindly vote for anyone just because he or she has had a decent record in their home state; voters have to see the big picture because these members of Congress pass laws that affect the entire country. Incumbents need to be voted out from time to time before they learn how to circumvent our laws for their own benefit. Remember this: No one, not even the President is above the law, and he can not simply fire anyone who is assigned to investigate him. This is America not Russia!

Trump Says Qatar Funds Terror:

It was disturbing to see that #45 would say this, not because it is untrue but because he steadfastly agrees without question the leaders of countries that are not so squeaky clean about their actions toward terrorists. This made me wonder if there was not something else behind his position.

In 2010 as markets were reeling from the 2008 financial crisis, Trump went to Qatar to meet with the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) to acquire funds for one of his real estate deals. He was turned down because he had no good record in real estate. Being aware that Trump does not like being told “no” did he then use the office of the President to get back at the country of Qatar because of a childish need for revenge. Of course he did.

You can read the entire story at Huffington Post.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Bridge on the River Kwai

Why come up with this title? I was reminded of the movie and would like to strike some parallels.

I see #45 as the Japanese Col, Saito; the despot of an officer who is used to being obeyed immediately without question. The supreme leader if you will. The Japanese soldiers make up the House and Senate of the U.S. Some like him and defend him while other dislike and are maybe afraid of him. He can’t fire them; only the voters can do that.

The English Col, Nicholson I liken to the entire Democratic Party; the steadfast soldiers under his command are the American Public. And they are coming bearing torches like an angry crowd in an old horror movie.

Trump like Saito is learning a harsh lesson, slowly and stubbornly; that you can’t just snap your fingers or make threats without paying the consequences; he lies to himself that he is in charge. Like Col Saito, Trumps demands are met with stern defiance. Saito had to capitulate in time to meet his agenda. #45 will be more difficult to convince of the hopelessness of his agenda… Saito only had to build a bridge - #45 has to face his narcissism and come to grips with his monumental ego. Saito got the bridge built, Trump has to look himself in the mirror and admit he is clueless which is an impossible task.

Another Thrown Under the Bus:

Just this week, Rex Tillerson took the podium and suggested that the sanctions brought against Qatar for their supposed haven for terrorists and their activities should be eased. Less than two hours later #45 took the podium out on the lawn and praised the leaders of the Arab states for building the blockade against Qatar. It would seem that #45 has no clue that the U.S. has one of the largest military bases in Qatar and that about 25,000 Americans live and work there.

Maybe Qatar should have let Trump build a hotel there.

The paradox is that while Trump sucks up to the Saudis (who were a haven for many terrorist groups) and the other Arab states, he keeps pushing for his Muslim Travel Ban that would submit anyone that looked like a Middle-easterner to unnecessary scrutiny and denial of travel to America.

How much longer are members of the GOP like Ryan and McConnell going to keep defending the liar-in-charge? Is the lust for power so great in these people that they are willingly going to toss the entire nation under the bus? There are growing chinks in that wall among the rank and file who are turning to the voters needs instead of the Party. The cascade effect that is coming is going to bury a number of them who will likely cop-a-plea rather than go down with the ship.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Friday, June 2, 2017


If the path #45 has chosen to take and if the GOP can’t restore some reason, the U.S. is headed down the path to being isolated from the rest of the world.

Angela Merkel. The Chancellor of Germany has already said that they can no longer rely on America. She has a lot of influence in Europe and may entice the EU to find a better way. She has already set up deals with India and China and who knows how far Germany might go. Trump’s lunacy could influence the EU in ways he never could foresee and make it even stronger. Germany and other countries still must remain allies with the U.S. because of financial ties but in time that could lessen and who knows what jobs will be lost in America.

Trump’s backing out of the Paris Accords may have a backlash effect that could run over him like a steamroller. States like California and New York have already said they will not alter the climate reforms they already have. Texas, that voted for Trump, leads the country in wind-power and other renewable energy sources. Other states that are sitting on the fence may be emboldened to join the rest. He’s left the door open to rejoin the accords if a better deal can be arranged which may lead to nothing, but in his narcissistic mind he will be the winner.

Trump’s weakening of the EPA was to allow his wealthy cronies to back away from having to comply with cleaning up their act. His promise to the coal industry to create jobs may never be fulfilled. Much of the production of coal is carried out by automation and with coal only supplying 18% of the country’s needs it may not create many jobs. Workers who had lost jobs are being trained to use their same skills in the renewable energy field. Now in a cleaner good paying job I doubt any would want to return to the mines. It makes me wonder if Trump has stock in the coal industry just as he had in the Dakota Pipeline.

This morning Elon Musk and Disney’s CEO announced they were leaving the President’s Advisory Council; who knows who else may abandon ship. It’s become even harder to find anyone who wants to work for Trump in any capacity. I assume they have more integrity and don’t want to drown in the Swamp.

As time goes by the world may learn to do with less of America’s influence and the United States as a world leader will fall into second place behind China who has agreed they will remain with the Paris accords. Trump’s promise to keep America first may only be in his mind. He keeps promising that he will create more jobs but how can he fulfill that when companies like Carrier have said they are moving jobs to Mexico because the labor is cheaper and like Nabisco before them who now make Oreos in Mexico.

He denies climate change, backed up by his GOP puppets like Paul Ryan while states like Florida are losing coastline due to rising ocean levels from melting ice caps. Trump’s own Mar-A-Lago estate is in danger of being flooded in the next decade. But it’s all a hoax dreamed up by China.

This course set by #45 can only lead to an isolated United States by our allies and can only embolden our enemies who will be waiting for just the right time to begin their terror attacks in U.S. cities. You can count on it and our Toddler-in-Chief will be looking for the launch codes to retaliate.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Assassination Not!

It’s disturbing to hear or read online that anyone would seriously want to do in #45. I know of only two instances at this time but I venture it safe to say there are thousands if not more. I am against such an idea mostly because I don’t believe anyone should die before nature catches up to them. What would it prove anyway? Trump is the center of it all but it is the GOP that is the larger problem. Even without #45 little would change on their agenda which is to give their wealthy cronies more money while starving out everyone else. Assassinating #45 would only make him a martyr in the eyes of those who voted for him as well as an imagined hero; and #45 is not the heroic type; he’s a coward and a bully.

I am not in favor of him succumbing to a fatal stroke or heart attack either. It would only give the boo-hoo-boys a chance to lament he was about to turn it all around; that in a few days he would have had this engine of  democracy running on all cylinders, making it great again. Bullshit! #45 is at a low point and can only spiral down.

Nothing would change if #45 ceased to exist; Pence would just take over and be the new target for ridicule. Don’t forget his warm welcome at Notre Dame. No, the only thing that will derail the GOP is to have a major overhaul in 2018 by getting rid of the career politicians.

Interesting note:

When the Trump circus landed in Saudi Arabia, Melania was seen without a head scarf as many former visitors had done. I have no doubt that #45 gave her orders not to cover her head, but that’s just my opinion. He was seen bowing to a Muslim leader. Something he had ridiculed Obama for doing most strongly. Bullies always knuckle under when faced with a problem they don’t know how to solve. Days later, when they met the Pope in Vatican City, Melania had a black lace shawl over her head. If I was a Saudi citizen I would be angry at such a slight to tradition. The Pope is one of the great men in the world but every country has their own traditions which visitors, no matter who, should follow. There is no excuse.

I wonder if all those arms that #45 has promised to the Saudis will actually get to the ones intended, or will one day be turned against our own troops? Just a thought.

A large sinkhole has opened up this week at #45s Mar-A-Lago estate. Could it be an omen?

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Russia Connection

I had planned a column on the Comey firing but the events of yesterday have thrown that aside.

The Washington Post has reported that Trump may have given the Russian Ambassador classified Intel. If this is true the repercussions could be very grave. Trump’s tweet from yesterday did not call the story a hoax or fake news which he is so fond of doing. He even seems to contradict what others who are defending him have said. While many in DC have said it is untrue the Post stands by it’s story.

Hillary was grilled in the Senate over Benghazi and her e-mail server for years but no one other than the Democrats are calling for Trump to explain. What could be making the GOP so reluctant to denounce this man who has made nothing but a farce of DC? I don’t know and this column is not about spreading rumors. The faithful will have to figure it out for themselves, but I would caution about snap judgments pro or con. Trump is a liar and a grand-stander and should not be taken at his word without checking the facts from several sources. Innocent until proven guilty; yes, but his words and actions make him look more guilty than innocent. He keeps digging the hole deeper and deeper. What he has done, if it is true, could be classified as Treason and has the stiffest penalty that can be handed down.

Now more than ever an independent commission should be put in place to investigate the truth; whatever it may be. If Trump had any integrity he would voluntarily step aside while the investigation unfolds. This won’t happen for two reasons: Trump’s ego will not accept any blame and will try to shift it elsewhere, The GOP will not demand it because they will have to admit complicity in every action that Trump has done. Having to win the Whitehouse at any cost seems to have a very steep price; it may even cost some their future in Washington.

All I can say to the voter faithful is to get your head out of your ass, wipe the crap out of your eyes and see the world for what it is. Your continued rationalization and ignorance of the facts makes you just as dumb as a bag of rocks.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it. `

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Pseudo POTUS

The title may not be grammatically correct but you have to admit it is catchy.

It was recently announced that Ivanka Trump would be reading all Executive orders and Bills before her father signs them. Why? It’s well known that Trump does not like to read and that he has his daily security briefings given to him orally. Why does he not like to read? I could guess at a few things but these posts are not written to promote rumors but to substantiate them if they are real. You’ll have to fill in the blank on your own.

The Comey firing will not put out any fires; on the contrary, it will only ignite more. He was praised for raising the questions about Hillary just before the election then was fired for the same reason; smells of a big cover-up to me. Trump is well known for his love of chaos, then stands back and picks up the pieces while bashing the survivors. The man’s timing is deplorable while altogether stupid. And even dumber are the Members of the GOP who place their re-election hopes in extreme jeopardy by backing his idiotic play.

Protesters have been lining up, demanding the resignation of Trump for tossing Comey out onto the street. Could this dismissal return to bite Trump on the ass; one can only hope. And if these are so-called paid protesters, where do I sign up; I could use the extra money?

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it. 

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

First 100 Days

Trump says his first 100 days were the best ever by anyone; in his own mind maybe. Someone posted online that William Henry Harrison had a better first 100 than Trump, and he was dead for 69 of them. In all fairness I will state that the 100 day mark is a ridiculous standard but he did set the mark himself. ISIS was to be defeated in 30 days; didn’t happen. The wall between Mexico and US was to be under construction; it’s off the table for now.

Obamacare was to be repealed and replaced; they’ve only put forth a joke of a health-care plan and if by some stretch of the imagination it passed, they would be exempt from it; why, is it that bad? Both his travel bans have been blocked in the courts and he’s signed a record Executive Orders that only help the rich and put America in jeopardy. He did get Judge Gorsuch confirmed but they had to bend the rules to do it.

His tax plan is just another retelling of the trickle-down theory that has never worked. They try to make us believe that if the rich get to keep more of their money they’ll be able to hire more workers and pay them more. The only thing the rich will do with more money is keep it in their wallet. And not any of them will admit that all it will do is add to the national debt. What truly works is the trickle-up plan. Give every taxpayer plenty of money and it will be in the hands of the rich by the next day.

Trump held a rally in PA so he could avoid the Correspondent’s Dinner in DC. Obviously, he didn’t want to be roasted by the media (and rightly so) for his calling them nothing but fake news. He surrounded himself with delusional voters who still think he is doing a great job and are willing to stroke his ego. Try a rally in California and see how that goes.

He said in an interview that he thought the job would be a lot easier and he missed the way things were. I suppose he thought he’d just be King and he’d snap his fingers and things would get done. NOT. Congress moves at a much slower pace than corporate America does. Nothing gets done in a hurry in DC unless they vote themselves a raise.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The Other Outside Influence

If you haven’t heard about Trump’s possible ties with Putin and the Russian influence in the elections you must have been living on some other planet until just now. While I have every confidence that the FBI and the Senate inquiries will prove fruitful, there is another outside influence that voters tend to forget or just ignore. Big Business Money.

Millions of dollars that wind up in a politicians war-chest both Republican and Democrat alike. So What?, you say; my candidate got elected and that’s all that counts, but at what price? Most likely your health and public safety.

Billionaires don’t just pony up the greenbacks because they think it’s for the good of the country. (If you believe that you are an idiot) Quid Pro Quo; you get what you want and I get what I want. All of that huge money will get your politician elected or re-elected but there comes a time when that donor will be looking for his payback. Fewer taxes, fewer regulations (Or none),lower minimum wages to workers while the corporate owners rake in billions for themselves. They want fewer liability regulations which means that if you get hurt on the job you won’t have a leg to stand on (literally). And where do they find the means to make up the shortfall, they strip it from programs that actually help individuals? The EPA has been a watchdog that protects the environment from corporations that would spoil it by dumping toxic waste into our environment, but Trump has seen fit to pull the teeth on much of what they can do. Fortunately some states have chosen to ignore Trump and do what is best for their state. But what next; force Consumer Reports out of business by declaring they are fake news?

You elect your politician and once he gets to Washington he/she forgets who sent them there; basically telling you to go screw yourself, I got what I want and who needs you anymore. And somehow you re-elect him again because he got a dog park added to a slag heap they covered with grass in your town, or got a ballpark built that nobody uses or needs.

All those millions spent on politicians when if it were paid to employees they could have a better standard of life. Then there’s the billionaire who donates tons of money to buy cushy jobs in government and have no idea how to do their job.

If you think I am just some bleeding heart, get over yourself pilgrim. I just tell it like it is.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it!