Sunday, July 2, 2017


Methinks Thou Doth Protest Too Much
Paraphrased from William Shakespeare

Given the multitude of Tweets from #45 he has a pathological need to respond to anyone who does not agree with him or who gets under his thin skin or who touches on the real truth. All of us have had our feathers ruffled at one time or another, but most of us usually just ignore it. #45 cannot hold his tongue, or tweets as it were and usually retaliates with a caustic diatribe. He sows chaos and expects to reap great rewards in the process but what he reaps is only more chaos. The tactic may have worked in the corporate world but rarely does in Congress. The one thing #45 is incapable of doing is keeping his mouth shut; to let the bad publicity roll off his back as if it were never there. He continues to demean and degrade the high office he now holds and does not care who he throws under the bus.

He has stated that he wants to be unpredictable while being anything but. Piss him off enough (which seems easy to do) and you know he will turn to Twitter because the Media is incapable and he has to get his side of the story out. Which usually means it’s someone else’s fault or a trusted friend or ally. He spouts all these fabricated accusations believing it will deflect criticism from him and keep the ones who voted for him happy; but that only fosters more criticism aimed at him.

The chaos he sows keeps the GOP busy trying to defend him by making up endless excuses for a man who is inexcusable instead of working on the betterment of the country. The appointees to positions in government seems more concerned with keeping their job rather than telling #45 he’s wrong; and we know how quick he is to fire people who disagree with him. The swamp he promised to drain just seems to get murkier by the day. Every speaking engagement seems to be only a place to complain how harsh the Media is treating him rather than coming up with a plan to force Congress to come together and offer some true hope for the future. Instead he just whines about it. Is that really Presidential? You’ll have to come up with that answer yourself.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

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