Thursday, July 13, 2017

Bullying at the G20 or Self-imposed Isolation

This is how isolation feels so #45 needs to get used to it!

Blaming world leaders for the U.S. trade deficit and angrily demanding trade policies more fair to the U.S. This is how a toddler makes deals by simply demanding his way. A true statesman isn’t so caustic.

The assembled leaders warned #45 there would be serious repercussions if he adopted policies that would interfere with global trade. #45 nearly provoked a trade war that would wreck havoc on us.

He may be president (who knows how long) but he can’t just dictate his way around negotiations. His answer has always been to throw money at his lawyers until his opponent has to give in. I doubt he’ll ever learn that those tactics won’t work on the world stage. He is an embarrassment to himself and around the world, and he is an embarrassment to this country. His actions can only make international relations unravel at an alarming rate and plunge America into deeper isolation from our allies and embolden our enemies. The world will only look elsewhere for leadership, not here. But then there are uneducated dimbulbs who think that’s a good thing.

He’s so disinterested in how diplomacy works that he chose to nod off in front of world leaders making him look more like a clown than ever. #45 was so disinterested he didn’t even bother to attend the “Partnership With Africa, Migration and Health” discussion; and sent elected-by-no-one, Ivanka in his place. She once said she preferred to “stay out” of politics, but there she sat. #45 must have forgotten that Africa is not just populated by black people. Then there’s the fact that his attention span is so lacking he might have fallen asleep again.

And the CIA, FBI and NSA don’t have a clue about anything but he takes Putin at his word. I’d laugh if it wasn’t so tragic.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

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