Sunday, July 9, 2017

Violence and #45

Trump is his own worst enemy and he endangers the entire GOP with the chaos he spreads and their leaders continue to defend the indefensible.

#45s latest tweet of him doing a take down of someone bearing the logo of CNN is just another incidence of how infantile and ignorant he is. The Whitehouse staff is denying that #45 is promoting any sort of violence and that no one could ever see it as a threat. How naive can they get or more to the point, irresponsible?

They know damn right well that some nutcase or redneck is going to take it as their cue to go out and commit violence because #45 has shown them that it is permitted to resolve disputes that way; and what of the asshole who decides to do it with a gun. Wrestling is only for entertainment and the winner is preordained but we all know that there are dumbasses who think it is real. And what of the adolescent who sees #45 as a role model and becomes a bully because of it. It could happen and you know it.

The First Lady’s cause has been to recognize and prevent cyber-bullying but her husband shows kids it’s okay as far as he’s concerned. He even throws his wife under the bus.

The GOP leadership is under great pressure to carry out #45’s agenda but he has ignored his own agenda and replaced it with chaos and indifference to how it affects people. A heart attack or stroke could be waiting in the wings to claim Senator McConnell if he can’t release the pressure aimed at him from all sides. He knows how to do it but the lust for power is a narcotic the clouds common sense.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.  

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