Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Russia Connection

I had planned a column on the Comey firing but the events of yesterday have thrown that aside.

The Washington Post has reported that Trump may have given the Russian Ambassador classified Intel. If this is true the repercussions could be very grave. Trump’s tweet from yesterday did not call the story a hoax or fake news which he is so fond of doing. He even seems to contradict what others who are defending him have said. While many in DC have said it is untrue the Post stands by it’s story.

Hillary was grilled in the Senate over Benghazi and her e-mail server for years but no one other than the Democrats are calling for Trump to explain. What could be making the GOP so reluctant to denounce this man who has made nothing but a farce of DC? I don’t know and this column is not about spreading rumors. The faithful will have to figure it out for themselves, but I would caution about snap judgments pro or con. Trump is a liar and a grand-stander and should not be taken at his word without checking the facts from several sources. Innocent until proven guilty; yes, but his words and actions make him look more guilty than innocent. He keeps digging the hole deeper and deeper. What he has done, if it is true, could be classified as Treason and has the stiffest penalty that can be handed down.

Now more than ever an independent commission should be put in place to investigate the truth; whatever it may be. If Trump had any integrity he would voluntarily step aside while the investigation unfolds. This won’t happen for two reasons: Trump’s ego will not accept any blame and will try to shift it elsewhere, The GOP will not demand it because they will have to admit complicity in every action that Trump has done. Having to win the Whitehouse at any cost seems to have a very steep price; it may even cost some their future in Washington.

All I can say to the voter faithful is to get your head out of your ass, wipe the crap out of your eyes and see the world for what it is. Your continued rationalization and ignorance of the facts makes you just as dumb as a bag of rocks.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it. `

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