Thursday, May 11, 2017

Pseudo POTUS

The title may not be grammatically correct but you have to admit it is catchy.

It was recently announced that Ivanka Trump would be reading all Executive orders and Bills before her father signs them. Why? It’s well known that Trump does not like to read and that he has his daily security briefings given to him orally. Why does he not like to read? I could guess at a few things but these posts are not written to promote rumors but to substantiate them if they are real. You’ll have to fill in the blank on your own.

The Comey firing will not put out any fires; on the contrary, it will only ignite more. He was praised for raising the questions about Hillary just before the election then was fired for the same reason; smells of a big cover-up to me. Trump is well known for his love of chaos, then stands back and picks up the pieces while bashing the survivors. The man’s timing is deplorable while altogether stupid. And even dumber are the Members of the GOP who place their re-election hopes in extreme jeopardy by backing his idiotic play.

Protesters have been lining up, demanding the resignation of Trump for tossing Comey out onto the street. Could this dismissal return to bite Trump on the ass; one can only hope. And if these are so-called paid protesters, where do I sign up; I could use the extra money?

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it. 

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