Thursday, November 9, 2017


In case you had not noticed I have not been posting for a while. The last two months have seen a lot of disasters: hurricanes, floods, fires, tons of destruction; the cleanup has been enormous. The situations have made it a huge task to continue; but I’m back to pick up where I left off.

Before he left on his international golfing trip (where he took the time to promote one of his golf courses) #45 said that the terrorist who ran over and killed a number of people on Halloween should be executed. Originally he wanted to send him to Guantanamo where we know what kind of history it has, but later he recanted that idea. Everyone in this country deserves a fair trial but defense lawyers will be hard pressed to get one. All #45 has done is pander to his base that thinks violence is the answer to everything. Certainly, I believe the guy should rot in prison but executing him will only make him a martre in the eyes of ISIS and his countrymen.

He also said that Beau Bergdahl should be shot for deserting his post. It seems the military judge overcompensated from #45’s edict and gave him a slap on the wrist. There’s more going on there than we will ever know but you’ll have to draw your own conclusion. Military law is generally more severe and the reason for so little punishment is beyond me.

The indictments are beginning to pile up in DC and the outcomes will be interesting to see. #45 must be scrambling to make up his list of lies and denials even though pictures refute most of his claims.

Will Jeff Sessions face a harsh penalty for lying under oath to the Senate Committee? Reps and Dems alike have shown they like him. Only time will tell.

#45 has repeatedly lamented that the special council should be investigating Hillary and the Dems; how does he know they aren’t?

Will #45 run the risk of political suicide by firing Mueller at this late date? And what pardons is he ready to issue? Time will tell.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

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