Friday, June 2, 2017


If the path #45 has chosen to take and if the GOP can’t restore some reason, the U.S. is headed down the path to being isolated from the rest of the world.

Angela Merkel. The Chancellor of Germany has already said that they can no longer rely on America. She has a lot of influence in Europe and may entice the EU to find a better way. She has already set up deals with India and China and who knows how far Germany might go. Trump’s lunacy could influence the EU in ways he never could foresee and make it even stronger. Germany and other countries still must remain allies with the U.S. because of financial ties but in time that could lessen and who knows what jobs will be lost in America.

Trump’s backing out of the Paris Accords may have a backlash effect that could run over him like a steamroller. States like California and New York have already said they will not alter the climate reforms they already have. Texas, that voted for Trump, leads the country in wind-power and other renewable energy sources. Other states that are sitting on the fence may be emboldened to join the rest. He’s left the door open to rejoin the accords if a better deal can be arranged which may lead to nothing, but in his narcissistic mind he will be the winner.

Trump’s weakening of the EPA was to allow his wealthy cronies to back away from having to comply with cleaning up their act. His promise to the coal industry to create jobs may never be fulfilled. Much of the production of coal is carried out by automation and with coal only supplying 18% of the country’s needs it may not create many jobs. Workers who had lost jobs are being trained to use their same skills in the renewable energy field. Now in a cleaner good paying job I doubt any would want to return to the mines. It makes me wonder if Trump has stock in the coal industry just as he had in the Dakota Pipeline.

This morning Elon Musk and Disney’s CEO announced they were leaving the President’s Advisory Council; who knows who else may abandon ship. It’s become even harder to find anyone who wants to work for Trump in any capacity. I assume they have more integrity and don’t want to drown in the Swamp.

As time goes by the world may learn to do with less of America’s influence and the United States as a world leader will fall into second place behind China who has agreed they will remain with the Paris accords. Trump’s promise to keep America first may only be in his mind. He keeps promising that he will create more jobs but how can he fulfill that when companies like Carrier have said they are moving jobs to Mexico because the labor is cheaper and like Nabisco before them who now make Oreos in Mexico.

He denies climate change, backed up by his GOP puppets like Paul Ryan while states like Florida are losing coastline due to rising ocean levels from melting ice caps. Trump’s own Mar-A-Lago estate is in danger of being flooded in the next decade. But it’s all a hoax dreamed up by China.

This course set by #45 can only lead to an isolated United States by our allies and can only embolden our enemies who will be waiting for just the right time to begin their terror attacks in U.S. cities. You can count on it and our Toddler-in-Chief will be looking for the launch codes to retaliate.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

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