Sunday, June 11, 2017

Bridge on the River Kwai

Why come up with this title? I was reminded of the movie and would like to strike some parallels.

I see #45 as the Japanese Col, Saito; the despot of an officer who is used to being obeyed immediately without question. The supreme leader if you will. The Japanese soldiers make up the House and Senate of the U.S. Some like him and defend him while other dislike and are maybe afraid of him. He can’t fire them; only the voters can do that.

The English Col, Nicholson I liken to the entire Democratic Party; the steadfast soldiers under his command are the American Public. And they are coming bearing torches like an angry crowd in an old horror movie.

Trump like Saito is learning a harsh lesson, slowly and stubbornly; that you can’t just snap your fingers or make threats without paying the consequences; he lies to himself that he is in charge. Like Col Saito, Trumps demands are met with stern defiance. Saito had to capitulate in time to meet his agenda. #45 will be more difficult to convince of the hopelessness of his agenda… Saito only had to build a bridge - #45 has to face his narcissism and come to grips with his monumental ego. Saito got the bridge built, Trump has to look himself in the mirror and admit he is clueless which is an impossible task.

Another Thrown Under the Bus:

Just this week, Rex Tillerson took the podium and suggested that the sanctions brought against Qatar for their supposed haven for terrorists and their activities should be eased. Less than two hours later #45 took the podium out on the lawn and praised the leaders of the Arab states for building the blockade against Qatar. It would seem that #45 has no clue that the U.S. has one of the largest military bases in Qatar and that about 25,000 Americans live and work there.

Maybe Qatar should have let Trump build a hotel there.

The paradox is that while Trump sucks up to the Saudis (who were a haven for many terrorist groups) and the other Arab states, he keeps pushing for his Muslim Travel Ban that would submit anyone that looked like a Middle-easterner to unnecessary scrutiny and denial of travel to America.

How much longer are members of the GOP like Ryan and McConnell going to keep defending the liar-in-charge? Is the lust for power so great in these people that they are willingly going to toss the entire nation under the bus? There are growing chinks in that wall among the rank and file who are turning to the voters needs instead of the Party. The cascade effect that is coming is going to bury a number of them who will likely cop-a-plea rather than go down with the ship.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

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