Thursday, July 27, 2017

Transgender Troops

Just when you think #45 can’t get any more heartless or idiotic he goes off and makes a new command that no transgender person will be accepted or allowed to join the military. This from the same man who was a draft dodger during the Vietnam War who had a doctor claim he was too sickly to be in the military.

 I see it as another senseless attempt to stick it to a portion of the public that he declares inferior or not worthy of anything other than your contempt. The coward-in-charge is himself unfit to lead our troops and has no right to look down upon those who are willing to step into harms way to defend our country and ultimately him.

In June of 2016, during the campaign, he promised to fight for LGBT rights while stating that Hillary would bring in people to condemn their way of life. What a f***ing liar; he has done nothing but take away more of the rights and benefits of the LGBT.

#45 should get the hell out of the way and let the military decide who is fit for duty and who is not because he certainly is not competent to make those decisions. He has also made disparaging remarks about those who suffer from PTSD while he has no real experience in what it is like to be under fire in a war zone. I am at a loss to understand how anyone can take him seriously.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it. 

Friday, July 21, 2017

Transparency or None of Your F-ing Business!

Transparency in government was what #45s campaign promised while cleaning up the swamp in Washington… but what are we getting?

Everything was supposed to be open and above board but #45 has secluded himself behind a wall of secrecy trying to block the special council from digging into his affairs that have to do with the meddling of Russia into our elections. Everyone in the oval office has lawyered up and the lawyers have sought out other council. He’s even investigating Robert Mueller who he has threatened to fire. His irrational game of hide and seek is taking on alarming proportions. If he has nothing to hide then why cloak everything in a veil of secrecy? And why is he checking to see if he can legally pardon his aides, family and even himself if everything is on the up and up? Looks to me like he’s trying to set up a get out of jail card for himself and his family of cohorts.

If the government of the GOP is so transparent why are they designing a new health-care plan behind locked doors, barring the Dems from having a say? They can’t even get enough votes among themselves to bring it to the floor for debate. If the plan is so good why have they exempted themselves from having to use it? Every State of the Union address by Obama had asked the GOP to join with him and ask them if they had a better idea to say so. No one took him up on it so no action was taken. #45 has stated that they should just let the ACA fail and put millions in jeopardy without health insurance then construct a new plan. This tells you how much #45 really gives a damn about the voters who elected him.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Bullying at the G20 or Self-imposed Isolation

This is how isolation feels so #45 needs to get used to it!

Blaming world leaders for the U.S. trade deficit and angrily demanding trade policies more fair to the U.S. This is how a toddler makes deals by simply demanding his way. A true statesman isn’t so caustic.

The assembled leaders warned #45 there would be serious repercussions if he adopted policies that would interfere with global trade. #45 nearly provoked a trade war that would wreck havoc on us.

He may be president (who knows how long) but he can’t just dictate his way around negotiations. His answer has always been to throw money at his lawyers until his opponent has to give in. I doubt he’ll ever learn that those tactics won’t work on the world stage. He is an embarrassment to himself and around the world, and he is an embarrassment to this country. His actions can only make international relations unravel at an alarming rate and plunge America into deeper isolation from our allies and embolden our enemies. The world will only look elsewhere for leadership, not here. But then there are uneducated dimbulbs who think that’s a good thing.

He’s so disinterested in how diplomacy works that he chose to nod off in front of world leaders making him look more like a clown than ever. #45 was so disinterested he didn’t even bother to attend the “Partnership With Africa, Migration and Health” discussion; and sent elected-by-no-one, Ivanka in his place. She once said she preferred to “stay out” of politics, but there she sat. #45 must have forgotten that Africa is not just populated by black people. Then there’s the fact that his attention span is so lacking he might have fallen asleep again.

And the CIA, FBI and NSA don’t have a clue about anything but he takes Putin at his word. I’d laugh if it wasn’t so tragic.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Violence and #45

Trump is his own worst enemy and he endangers the entire GOP with the chaos he spreads and their leaders continue to defend the indefensible.

#45s latest tweet of him doing a take down of someone bearing the logo of CNN is just another incidence of how infantile and ignorant he is. The Whitehouse staff is denying that #45 is promoting any sort of violence and that no one could ever see it as a threat. How naive can they get or more to the point, irresponsible?

They know damn right well that some nutcase or redneck is going to take it as their cue to go out and commit violence because #45 has shown them that it is permitted to resolve disputes that way; and what of the asshole who decides to do it with a gun. Wrestling is only for entertainment and the winner is preordained but we all know that there are dumbasses who think it is real. And what of the adolescent who sees #45 as a role model and becomes a bully because of it. It could happen and you know it.

The First Lady’s cause has been to recognize and prevent cyber-bullying but her husband shows kids it’s okay as far as he’s concerned. He even throws his wife under the bus.

The GOP leadership is under great pressure to carry out #45’s agenda but he has ignored his own agenda and replaced it with chaos and indifference to how it affects people. A heart attack or stroke could be waiting in the wings to claim Senator McConnell if he can’t release the pressure aimed at him from all sides. He knows how to do it but the lust for power is a narcotic the clouds common sense.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.  

Sunday, July 2, 2017


Methinks Thou Doth Protest Too Much
Paraphrased from William Shakespeare

Given the multitude of Tweets from #45 he has a pathological need to respond to anyone who does not agree with him or who gets under his thin skin or who touches on the real truth. All of us have had our feathers ruffled at one time or another, but most of us usually just ignore it. #45 cannot hold his tongue, or tweets as it were and usually retaliates with a caustic diatribe. He sows chaos and expects to reap great rewards in the process but what he reaps is only more chaos. The tactic may have worked in the corporate world but rarely does in Congress. The one thing #45 is incapable of doing is keeping his mouth shut; to let the bad publicity roll off his back as if it were never there. He continues to demean and degrade the high office he now holds and does not care who he throws under the bus.

He has stated that he wants to be unpredictable while being anything but. Piss him off enough (which seems easy to do) and you know he will turn to Twitter because the Media is incapable and he has to get his side of the story out. Which usually means it’s someone else’s fault or a trusted friend or ally. He spouts all these fabricated accusations believing it will deflect criticism from him and keep the ones who voted for him happy; but that only fosters more criticism aimed at him.

The chaos he sows keeps the GOP busy trying to defend him by making up endless excuses for a man who is inexcusable instead of working on the betterment of the country. The appointees to positions in government seems more concerned with keeping their job rather than telling #45 he’s wrong; and we know how quick he is to fire people who disagree with him. The swamp he promised to drain just seems to get murkier by the day. Every speaking engagement seems to be only a place to complain how harsh the Media is treating him rather than coming up with a plan to force Congress to come together and offer some true hope for the future. Instead he just whines about it. Is that really Presidential? You’ll have to come up with that answer yourself.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.