Thursday, February 16, 2017

Spy vs Spy

Isn’t it interesting that the Intelligence Agencies should be holding back sensitive info from Trump. He repeatedly claimed the agencies knew less than he did all during the campaign then less than 24 hours after the inauguration he met with the CIA to smooth things over. He called the Media the most dishonest human beings on the Earth. He should look in the mirror when he says that.
Trump plans to have a billionaire ally, Stephen A. Feinberg investigate the U.S. Spy Agencies.
Trump loved the leak of Hillary’s e-mails but now calls the leak of info a criminal act. How’s that for a rapid about face; the shoe is on the other foot now and he can’t stand it. He intends to find the; “Low-Life Leakers” as he calls them.
That's my opinion and you're stuck with it.

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