Thursday, February 9, 2017


That would have been an impressive speech if it hadn’t been such a roaring load of shit. Harsh? Yes but it’s ringing so true.

He gave the faithful exactly what they wanted to hear but will he come through with the promise? He told us what we already knew; that the GOP was getting rich on our misery and was doing nothing to earn our votes. He vowed it all would change and he was giving the control back to us. Who did he mean by us? Certainly not where you would think. My bet is he meant to the wealthy fat-cats of Wall Street. Already he is trying to lift restrictions on what Wall Street can and cannot do; to make it easier to take the money out of the hard working classes and put it in their own coffers.

He promised a wall between the U.S. and Mexico but that seems to be getting a lot of push back from the area involved. Germany built a wall to keep the East Berliners in and it failed and was torn down. China built a Great Wall but it failed to keep the Mongol hoard out. And why erect such a wall that some future president will have torn down? Better he should invest the money to have our own failing infrastructure improved before it leads to more fatalities than it already has. Whose going to rebuild our failing roads, bridges and tunnels? Will Exxon and other big oil companies foot the bill; don’t count on it? Who will begin the improvement and upgrade of our antiquated rail system; certainly not Amtrak? The cost of such improvements will land squarely on the backs where it always has been; it will be up to those who can least afford it; the working class.

Trump is a liar and he hides behind his press secretary to lie for him and create his own version of what history is. If he had any modicum of ethics he’d quit the job and try his hand at writing something rewarding.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it. 

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