Friday, February 10, 2017


If Trump has his way the EPA will not have the power to inform any of us or protect the entire country.
The Whitehouse website was wiped clear of any mention of global warming or greenhouse effects and their consequences as soon as he took the oath of office. There has also been a gag order placed on anyone working in the EPA; no interviews, no questions answered, no leaks to the media. All inquiries have to be passed along to higher ups who likely will not give anything other than a lot of doublespeak that amounts to nothing.
In the weeks preceding the inauguration, scientists scrambled to download all data on the environment before it was lost forever. If the EPA is eviscerated as Trump plans there will be no watchdog to protect the wealth of beautiful vistas to be enjoyed in our country.
The consequences could be innumerable. Without EPA intervention there is nothing to prevent the American Greed from despoiling our country. The Dakota pipeline was halted for a time because it would ruin the landscape and be a danger if it ever leaked. Trump still owns stock in the pipeline so you know where his interest lies.
Then what of the danger to our parks? Industry will be allowed to despoil the landscape with near impunity. And what of the wildlife; some of which are  already endangered? How will they survive if their habitat is lost? Choose a favorite National Park; now imagine some speculator wants to raise oil derricks across the landscape and you are helpless to stop it? Oil is king in this country; it kills anything living near the fields. Speculators do not see the beauty of green fields and the tiny critters that abide there, they just see greenbacks. Industry will be able to foul up our environment with impunity faster than they ever have in the past. There will be even less regard for the people that live in the area. Hydraulic mining was outlawed in many areas because it destroyed the beauty of the land and sent tons of mud into local creeks and rivers killing of fish, frogs and small denizens and the larger animals that fed on them.
I’m reminded of the old Mad Max movies and how the landscape looked; are we headed down that same road? It will happen if we don’t put our foot down hard.
That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

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