Thursday, May 25, 2017

Assassination Not!

It’s disturbing to hear or read online that anyone would seriously want to do in #45. I know of only two instances at this time but I venture it safe to say there are thousands if not more. I am against such an idea mostly because I don’t believe anyone should die before nature catches up to them. What would it prove anyway? Trump is the center of it all but it is the GOP that is the larger problem. Even without #45 little would change on their agenda which is to give their wealthy cronies more money while starving out everyone else. Assassinating #45 would only make him a martyr in the eyes of those who voted for him as well as an imagined hero; and #45 is not the heroic type; he’s a coward and a bully.

I am not in favor of him succumbing to a fatal stroke or heart attack either. It would only give the boo-hoo-boys a chance to lament he was about to turn it all around; that in a few days he would have had this engine of  democracy running on all cylinders, making it great again. Bullshit! #45 is at a low point and can only spiral down.

Nothing would change if #45 ceased to exist; Pence would just take over and be the new target for ridicule. Don’t forget his warm welcome at Notre Dame. No, the only thing that will derail the GOP is to have a major overhaul in 2018 by getting rid of the career politicians.

Interesting note:

When the Trump circus landed in Saudi Arabia, Melania was seen without a head scarf as many former visitors had done. I have no doubt that #45 gave her orders not to cover her head, but that’s just my opinion. He was seen bowing to a Muslim leader. Something he had ridiculed Obama for doing most strongly. Bullies always knuckle under when faced with a problem they don’t know how to solve. Days later, when they met the Pope in Vatican City, Melania had a black lace shawl over her head. If I was a Saudi citizen I would be angry at such a slight to tradition. The Pope is one of the great men in the world but every country has their own traditions which visitors, no matter who, should follow. There is no excuse.

I wonder if all those arms that #45 has promised to the Saudis will actually get to the ones intended, or will one day be turned against our own troops? Just a thought.

A large sinkhole has opened up this week at #45s Mar-A-Lago estate. Could it be an omen?

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Russia Connection

I had planned a column on the Comey firing but the events of yesterday have thrown that aside.

The Washington Post has reported that Trump may have given the Russian Ambassador classified Intel. If this is true the repercussions could be very grave. Trump’s tweet from yesterday did not call the story a hoax or fake news which he is so fond of doing. He even seems to contradict what others who are defending him have said. While many in DC have said it is untrue the Post stands by it’s story.

Hillary was grilled in the Senate over Benghazi and her e-mail server for years but no one other than the Democrats are calling for Trump to explain. What could be making the GOP so reluctant to denounce this man who has made nothing but a farce of DC? I don’t know and this column is not about spreading rumors. The faithful will have to figure it out for themselves, but I would caution about snap judgments pro or con. Trump is a liar and a grand-stander and should not be taken at his word without checking the facts from several sources. Innocent until proven guilty; yes, but his words and actions make him look more guilty than innocent. He keeps digging the hole deeper and deeper. What he has done, if it is true, could be classified as Treason and has the stiffest penalty that can be handed down.

Now more than ever an independent commission should be put in place to investigate the truth; whatever it may be. If Trump had any integrity he would voluntarily step aside while the investigation unfolds. This won’t happen for two reasons: Trump’s ego will not accept any blame and will try to shift it elsewhere, The GOP will not demand it because they will have to admit complicity in every action that Trump has done. Having to win the Whitehouse at any cost seems to have a very steep price; it may even cost some their future in Washington.

All I can say to the voter faithful is to get your head out of your ass, wipe the crap out of your eyes and see the world for what it is. Your continued rationalization and ignorance of the facts makes you just as dumb as a bag of rocks.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it. `

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Pseudo POTUS

The title may not be grammatically correct but you have to admit it is catchy.

It was recently announced that Ivanka Trump would be reading all Executive orders and Bills before her father signs them. Why? It’s well known that Trump does not like to read and that he has his daily security briefings given to him orally. Why does he not like to read? I could guess at a few things but these posts are not written to promote rumors but to substantiate them if they are real. You’ll have to fill in the blank on your own.

The Comey firing will not put out any fires; on the contrary, it will only ignite more. He was praised for raising the questions about Hillary just before the election then was fired for the same reason; smells of a big cover-up to me. Trump is well known for his love of chaos, then stands back and picks up the pieces while bashing the survivors. The man’s timing is deplorable while altogether stupid. And even dumber are the Members of the GOP who place their re-election hopes in extreme jeopardy by backing his idiotic play.

Protesters have been lining up, demanding the resignation of Trump for tossing Comey out onto the street. Could this dismissal return to bite Trump on the ass; one can only hope. And if these are so-called paid protesters, where do I sign up; I could use the extra money?

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it. 

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

First 100 Days

Trump says his first 100 days were the best ever by anyone; in his own mind maybe. Someone posted online that William Henry Harrison had a better first 100 than Trump, and he was dead for 69 of them. In all fairness I will state that the 100 day mark is a ridiculous standard but he did set the mark himself. ISIS was to be defeated in 30 days; didn’t happen. The wall between Mexico and US was to be under construction; it’s off the table for now.

Obamacare was to be repealed and replaced; they’ve only put forth a joke of a health-care plan and if by some stretch of the imagination it passed, they would be exempt from it; why, is it that bad? Both his travel bans have been blocked in the courts and he’s signed a record Executive Orders that only help the rich and put America in jeopardy. He did get Judge Gorsuch confirmed but they had to bend the rules to do it.

His tax plan is just another retelling of the trickle-down theory that has never worked. They try to make us believe that if the rich get to keep more of their money they’ll be able to hire more workers and pay them more. The only thing the rich will do with more money is keep it in their wallet. And not any of them will admit that all it will do is add to the national debt. What truly works is the trickle-up plan. Give every taxpayer plenty of money and it will be in the hands of the rich by the next day.

Trump held a rally in PA so he could avoid the Correspondent’s Dinner in DC. Obviously, he didn’t want to be roasted by the media (and rightly so) for his calling them nothing but fake news. He surrounded himself with delusional voters who still think he is doing a great job and are willing to stroke his ego. Try a rally in California and see how that goes.

He said in an interview that he thought the job would be a lot easier and he missed the way things were. I suppose he thought he’d just be King and he’d snap his fingers and things would get done. NOT. Congress moves at a much slower pace than corporate America does. Nothing gets done in a hurry in DC unless they vote themselves a raise.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.