Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Shift in Focus

Trying to get in touch with your Congressman of choice could be a very daunting task. Being so far away in DC they can hide from view claiming they are too busy to listen to what you have to say. More pressing reasons are as good an excuse and they will certainly try to brush you off by telling you how important you are and they will surely get back to you. DON’T HOLD YOUR BREATH!  

Shifting your focus might be a better solution to your plight. Seek out your State Senator or Representative. They’re not going to be leaving the state unless they resign. These politicians could bend to enough pressure to get some results. Some are new to the job and haven’t learned all the tricks of the trade. Others have not become so jaded and may really think they are there to help the voters. Getting re-elected is another great incentive because they will always have their eye on moving up to the big leagues.

So be sure to nag your state government on all the critical issues that affect your state while continuing to to nag the boys and girls in Washington as well. Putting enough pressure on the state representatives could just prompt them to cry out to DC for help. Catching Washington in a crossfire could just be the ticket to getting some action in your state.

As a public service announcement I must warn you to unplug your microwave when not in use and toss a blanket over it. You never know who may be watching.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

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