Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Faux Facts

People don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed ~ Friedrich Nietzshe

That about sums it up for anyone who still clings to the tissue of lies belched up by the GOP, be they head-up-their-ass Republicans or dumb-ass Democrats.

It could be rationalized that a vote for Trump was a way to stick it to the Republicans while denying Hilary her chance to be Queen (or so they were led to believe). But what the voters actually got was a narcissistic bloated ego that can’t distinguish between truth and fiction. And his circle of stupid lemmings surrounding him continue to feed his bloated ego while hanging on to their “Yes-Men” jobs. It is common knowledge that Trump will fire anyone who does not agree with him. The GOP continues to reiterate their shameless lies because they know if they shout it long enough and loud enough some illiterate ass will believe it. Much of Trump’s lies can only be seen as misdirection from actuality while tying up investigators on wild goose chases.

Therein lies the problem with the American voter. Their education is so lacking that they will not and likely do not know how to check facts for accuracy. Others will believe anything they see on television must be the truth; why would the networks let anyone lie? Such naivete is a curse and not an excuse for being stupid. TV has added to the dumbing down of Americans; those quick sound bites don’t tell the whole story. Before TV people got their news from local papers and had to take the time to digest what was printed slowly.

Trump and his minions would have you believe all the news is fake but his lies about wiretapping and leaks to the media are the truth. You can’t have it both ways; you have to pick a side and stay with it. Even in the face of overwhelming truth you can’t get them to change their opinion. (See quote above.) If they did so they would have to admit they were wrong somehow which flies in the face of their narcissism. Handed the truth they will bastardize it somehow to fall inline with their erratic beliefs. It’s been said you can’t fix stupid and I must add dealing with a stupid person is like playing chess with a pigeon - they’ll just shit all over the board and say they won anyway.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

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