Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Shift in Focus

Trying to get in touch with your Congressman of choice could be a very daunting task. Being so far away in DC they can hide from view claiming they are too busy to listen to what you have to say. More pressing reasons are as good an excuse and they will certainly try to brush you off by telling you how important you are and they will surely get back to you. DON’T HOLD YOUR BREATH!  

Shifting your focus might be a better solution to your plight. Seek out your State Senator or Representative. They’re not going to be leaving the state unless they resign. These politicians could bend to enough pressure to get some results. Some are new to the job and haven’t learned all the tricks of the trade. Others have not become so jaded and may really think they are there to help the voters. Getting re-elected is another great incentive because they will always have their eye on moving up to the big leagues.

So be sure to nag your state government on all the critical issues that affect your state while continuing to to nag the boys and girls in Washington as well. Putting enough pressure on the state representatives could just prompt them to cry out to DC for help. Catching Washington in a crossfire could just be the ticket to getting some action in your state.

As a public service announcement I must warn you to unplug your microwave when not in use and toss a blanket over it. You never know who may be watching.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Faux Facts

People don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed ~ Friedrich Nietzshe

That about sums it up for anyone who still clings to the tissue of lies belched up by the GOP, be they head-up-their-ass Republicans or dumb-ass Democrats.

It could be rationalized that a vote for Trump was a way to stick it to the Republicans while denying Hilary her chance to be Queen (or so they were led to believe). But what the voters actually got was a narcissistic bloated ego that can’t distinguish between truth and fiction. And his circle of stupid lemmings surrounding him continue to feed his bloated ego while hanging on to their “Yes-Men” jobs. It is common knowledge that Trump will fire anyone who does not agree with him. The GOP continues to reiterate their shameless lies because they know if they shout it long enough and loud enough some illiterate ass will believe it. Much of Trump’s lies can only be seen as misdirection from actuality while tying up investigators on wild goose chases.

Therein lies the problem with the American voter. Their education is so lacking that they will not and likely do not know how to check facts for accuracy. Others will believe anything they see on television must be the truth; why would the networks let anyone lie? Such naivete is a curse and not an excuse for being stupid. TV has added to the dumbing down of Americans; those quick sound bites don’t tell the whole story. Before TV people got their news from local papers and had to take the time to digest what was printed slowly.

Trump and his minions would have you believe all the news is fake but his lies about wiretapping and leaks to the media are the truth. You can’t have it both ways; you have to pick a side and stay with it. Even in the face of overwhelming truth you can’t get them to change their opinion. (See quote above.) If they did so they would have to admit they were wrong somehow which flies in the face of their narcissism. Handed the truth they will bastardize it somehow to fall inline with their erratic beliefs. It’s been said you can’t fix stupid and I must add dealing with a stupid person is like playing chess with a pigeon - they’ll just shit all over the board and say they won anyway.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


This is exactly what Trump’s address to Congress was, Gaslighting. If you don’t know what that means then google it or open a dictionary a find it.
If you believed 1/10 of what he said then you are a moron with your head in the sand (I had another word but decided to clean it up).
He promised that everyone should have clean water to drink and clean air to breathe. But prior to that speech he signed authority for industry to dump their coal ash in local rivers and streams thereby killing any and all marine life that lived there. Not only that it will kill or sicken any animal that drinks the water even the human animal. Stocking up on bottled water like the the people in Flint, Mich. Would be a wise idea. With his wanting to gut the EPA there’s little chance of having any clean air to breathe for very long.
How can he fulfill the promise of a better education when the only thing Betsy DeVos knows how to do is bribe Trump by donating millions to his campaign as did others in his cabinet.
He said the sorte in Yemen was an unqualified success when in actuality the press and most news outlets dubbed it an utter failure that killed many innocent civilians and learned very little.
He said that every American should be able to enjoy the American dream but one of the first things he did after taking office was to make it harder for the average American to get a mortgage.
Since then he’s accused Obama of wiretapping his Trump Tower like the Nixon Watergate scandal leaving himself open to a libel suit should Obama choose. If the wiretapping is true then Trump is in trouble; if it’s false and another Trump lie with no verification then he is in more trouble.
He took credit for the recent reduction of the national debt but failed to say that the government was working under the budget signed by Obama last October; Trump does not get to sign any new budget until Oct 2017.
The whole thing is nothing more than a smokescreen he’s spreading to cover up whatever plans he has to rape this country of everything it has to offer or to sidetrack any investigations into his actual dealings with Russia and their interference into the campaign process. Never forget, he lost the popular vote; only the archaic electoral process gave him the office which he may not have for long.
And where are his tax returns and why won’t he divest himself of his holdings to derail any conflict of interest? Trump still owns stock in the Dakota pipeline and is why he is pushing it on the people. He is still listed as a producer on the Apprentice TV show and must be getting paid for that.
And then there is his promise to deport any and all illegals. Mexico has already warned they will not take any deportees that are not Mexican Nationals. Many aliens come from Central and South America and use the route through Mexico.
His travel ban includes travel from certain Muslim countries but it is also noted that none of the countries he has holdings in are included in the ban such as Saudi Arabia where most of the terrorists came from.
Much of what Trump does is tantamount to treason and a proper investigation by a Special Prosecutor may just prove it. Trump can either step down as Nixon did or suffer the ignominy of being tossed out on his fat ego.
That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.