Friday, August 18, 2017

The Mouse That Roared...

…and the Mouth that roared; namely #45. So far it has only been words but what happens if it escalates? This isn’t two young boys in an adolescent pissing match it’s two grown paranoid adults waiting to see who blinks first. Kim Jung Un is the supreme leader of a small nation and can do whatever pleases him. #45 is the elected leader of a major nation who hasn’t a clue how to lead. Provoked, Kim could send off his missiles on a whim. #45 has to wait until Kim makes that fatal mistake before he can take action; and he is hoping that Kim does something stupid so he can show off how powerful he is. Kim is probably just insane enough to commit suicide to prove a point. #45 being the coward and bully he is would cringe in the corner under the same circumstances if he didn’t have the Military to hide behind.

So far, the Military is playing it cool as if they aren’t worried that Kim will make his move; but you can be sure our military has all their plans at the ready. With all the sanctions laid upon N. Korea, Kim has to keep up the pressure or look weak in the eyes of his people (who he cares little about). I’ve no doubt that any missiles launched toward Guam or any other ally could be shot down by our military. This puts me in mind of the Cuban Missile crisis in the early sixties; can you imagine what might have happened had JFK retaliated when one of our recon jets was shot down. Would #45 have such forethought and restraint? He can’t wait to send the launch codes because he loves war. Would he love it so much if he had to live in a devastated country that had been at war for years? #45 must feel very safe and warm away from all the devastation that could ensue. Hitler must have had similar thoughts tucked away in his bombproof bunker. And who will #45 blame if it all goes bad; certainly not himself.

China has explored ways to shut Kim down but seems incapable of curtailing the despot. If they really want to thwart Armageddon they should be prepared to shoot down Kim’s missiles should he launch them. He’s their problem child and they should be ready to slap him down if they have to.


As in deserting a sinking ship. Several of #45’s Advisory Council have turned in their resignations because of #45’s handling of the violence in Charlottsville and his refusal to lay the blame where it belonged. Instead he blamed everyone for what happened and not the domestic terrorists and white supremacists. The only ones who defended him were David Duke, the former leader of the KKK and and Richard Spencer of a white supremacist group and other Neo-Nazis. Duke said they were there to fulfill the wishes of #45 and further his agenda. #45 has stated that his picks for the advisory council were not up to the job so he disbanded it himself. Another lie to soothe his shattered ego because those who resigned said it was for the reasons stated and not anything #45 did.

Who else is going to get tired of having mud thrown on their integrity and resign before it is too late. It’s impossible to defend a person whose own words makes him defenseless and demands you lie for him.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Where Are We Now?

Looking back on the election of 2016 I have some observations of what transpired.

Trump was an unknown, a loose cannon in the eyes of some and was never expected to survive the primaries like he didn’t the last time. But voters were pissed at the government in general with both the GOP and the Dems because DC was in a virtual gridlock and something was needed to rock the boat and they saw Trump as that person.

Hillary was just a reminder of the same old do nothing administration. Forget that Obama was unable to blend the two parties into a cohesive government; both sides had their agenda and it was to NOT work with the other side on anything they didn’t have to. While Hillary was working on doing the right thing the GOP was working on getting her ineligible. Her campaign was so benign many discounted her as a viable candidate and there was the Catch 22. A percentage of women just hated or mistrusted her and I doubt their reasons held any water. If she came on too strong she would have been labeled as having a bad PMS day; not strong enough and she would have been too weak to hold office.

As the campaign rolled on the other Reps running for office continued to point out just how bad a candidate that Trump was, how unstable he was and should not be considered. By now everyone should know that if you tell an American that he/she cannot or should not have something they will want it even more. Some saw Trump as a way to stick it to the government that had been so impotent in the previous two administrations. Some surely believed that the resulting turmoil would get them what they wanted; how naive they were.

The early polls had Hillary winning by a landslide so the Dems sat back and had no plan B. Hillary had a chance in the debates to use Trump’s own words against him such as in decades earlier Trump had said if he ever ran for office he would do it as a Republican because they were so stupid. She could have brought up his draft record and how he got out of going to Vietnam. And she could have used his bashing of Sen McCain or how he belittled Sen Cruz’ wife, but she was being too politically correct. This was a dog fight and Trump was throwing dog shit in her hair and she should have thrown it right back at him. She should have shown the fire in her belly that she exhibited during the Benghazi hearings. Trump’s disdain for women is well known and she should have let him know she was not going to be submissive to him or anyone else. It might have lost her a few votes but it also could have won her votes in the Red states where it really mattered.

The dumbass Democrats in DC are still sitting on their hands and waiting for Trump to implode instead of helping it to blow up sooner. If they are going to fight in Congress then make it loud, not so damn politically correct. Speak only the true facts and leave Trump to the witch hunts that he loves so dearly. Democrats have no passion and should be making their demands heard and not hoping the media will bail them out and do it for them. There are a lot of fringe voters out there that sat on the fence until the end that could have come over the the Dems side if they showed some real spunk.


The Trump administration has declared war on all the leakers in and around the Whitehouse and promises retribution when they are caught. I agree if it can be proved that they are giving away government secrets but if it is telling the world of gross misconduct by anyone then they should be protected under the Whistle-blower Laws of this country.

The focus in DC and in it’s collective states has shifted to getting re-elected in deference to doing real work; Six months into this administration they are already talking about the 2020 elections. Ass kissing to contributors of campaigns has become the priority instead of doing right by the voters who put them there.

If you want to talk of the 2020 campaign then I nominate California Governor, Jerry brown to the office of POTUS. He has already said that after his term as Governor he would not dismiss any other run for office.

That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.