If you haven’t heard about Trump’s possible ties with Putin and the Russian influence in the elections you must have been living on some other planet until just now. While I have every confidence that the FBI and the Senate inquiries will prove fruitful, there is another outside influence that voters tend to forget or just ignore. Big Business Money.
Millions of dollars that wind up in a politicians war-chest both Republican and Democrat alike. So What?, you say; my candidate got elected and that’s all that counts, but at what price? Most likely your health and public safety.
Billionaires don’t just pony up the greenbacks because they think it’s for the good of the country. (If you believe that you are an idiot) Quid Pro Quo; you get what you want and I get what I want. All of that huge money will get your politician elected or re-elected but there comes a time when that donor will be looking for his payback. Fewer taxes, fewer regulations (Or none),lower minimum wages to workers while the corporate owners rake in billions for themselves. They want fewer liability regulations which means that if you get hurt on the job you won’t have a leg to stand on (literally). And where do they find the means to make up the shortfall, they strip it from programs that actually help individuals? The EPA has been a watchdog that protects the environment from corporations that would spoil it by dumping toxic waste into our environment, but Trump has seen fit to pull the teeth on much of what they can do. Fortunately some states have chosen to ignore Trump and do what is best for their state. But what next; force Consumer Reports out of business by declaring they are fake news?
You elect your politician and once he gets to Washington he/she forgets who sent them there; basically telling you to go screw yourself, I got what I want and who needs you anymore. And somehow you re-elect him again because he got a dog park added to a slag heap they covered with grass in your town, or got a ballpark built that nobody uses or needs.
All those millions spent on politicians when if it were paid to employees they could have a better standard of life. Then there’s the billionaire who donates tons of money to buy cushy jobs in government and have no idea how to do their job.
If you think I am just some bleeding heart, get over yourself pilgrim. I just tell it like it is.
That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it!