Thursday, January 19, 2017


Last week Donald Trump denied a reporter from CNN a chance to ask a question. There was some flak that CNN writes nothing but fake news; that all their stories are made up or are half truths. So why then does Trump speak so highly of FOX News that has been cited for a number of erroneous news stories all during the campaign?
It’s not like this was a one on one interview behind closed doors; there were dozens of reporters there who heard Trump’s words. It would be difficult to fake any kind of story since it was all on videotape and audiotape as well.
I suggest that CNN probably ran too many truths about Trump and it crushed his poor little lying heart and bruised his self-esteem. I say the man is all ego and has no heart, and as for self-esteem the man is devoid of any. His whole campaign was nothing more than a tissue of lies and half-truths and his followers have to be dumber than he is to even be followers; dumb enough to believe anything that escaped his lips while never seeing through his deception.
To CNN and any other reputable media I suggest you post all of your questions in newspapers and online media and demand he answer any and all questions put to him that do not concern government security. And don’t let him hide behind his press secretary. Obama never dodged a question put to him and he was always gracious to anyone. Trump can’t hide behind his lawyers as he’s done in the past. This is not some sort of corporation that has guards to toss you out in the street; NO, this is the United States of America and the President must have all the answers. He must not have his secretary lie for him and then deny he ever said that.
If pressed hard enough to come up with the answers Trump is certain to lose his cool and start making threats or just walk away from the podium.
I have other questions but those will wait for another time.
That’s my opinion and you’re stuck with it.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

What's in a Name

Why name this blog, the Common Pundit? Let’s break it down for those that are clueless and delve into what it portends.

Roget’s International Thesaurus list’s “Pundit” as an: expert, genius, journeyman, consultant, diplomat, or adviser; among many others but my fav is know-it-all and a tough act to follow. The “Common Man” is listed as average, or a nobody, someone pedestrian, or just the “man in the street”. So the Common Pundit could be described as someone who knows everything about nothing or nothing about everything, or just someone opinionated; it depends on your perspective.

Rumors, stupidity, lying SOB’s, and more will be the fuel that drives this engine of opinion; but be forewarned, I will do my own fact-checking not accept as gospel everything on the web, TV or newspapers like your average, ignorant republican or dumbass democrat. FOX News and Facebook will never be considered as reliable sources though they may grease the rumor mill that must be fact-checked.

Whether you accept or reject what I post I fervently encourage you voice your rebuttal in the Comments section; but be advised, if I don’t like your comment you’ll get a truthful assessment of what I think of your opinion. Whether my counterstatement is nasty or cordial depends on you. Articulate your bias if you must but be prepared to justify your stance. Racist statements will be sent directly to the shredder while I pray for your salvation.

You’ve been warned.